
The first time I felt discomfort in my bed, I blamed my dog, Chaser. I continued to breathe deeply and let my body go back to sleep. In the morning, I discovered it wasn't Chaser who disturbed my sleep, but a strange phenomenon that made me wake up with a sneeze, cold, and blocked breathing.

That was the moment I first encountered dust mites - a small but harmful creature.

Dust mites became the number one factor that drove me crazy. It's tiny, yet has a powerful impact. Dust mite allergy, something that sounds so small and insignificant, turned into a big battle throughout my home.

So I started to investigate, discover, and experiment. I tried various treatments, from medications to natural methods, sought help from doctors and experts, and looked for solutions everywhere possible. But the battle continued.

Years passed and after many efforts, I discovered that my war was not invincible. I managed to find a combination of natural products that kept my room dust mite free. Then I started to notice - not only was my breathing free and my nose no longer runny, but my sleep improved, my energy increased, and my life became simpler.

I realized that the responsibility to maintain a calming and healthy space is in my hands. And I want to help you do the same. I want to help you create a space that frees you from the discomfort of allergies and allows you to live the life you want to live.

Hello, I'm Tal.

13 years ago, I discovered that I am allergic to household dust mites.

Questions immediately arose for me:

  • What is this creature? And how do you kill it?
  • Why does such a small creature affect the quality of life of so many people around the world?
  • Is there a real treatment for this allergy?
  • Who is researching this?

I began to investigate the subject and realized that there are many more people like me. I approached dozens of doctors, did not get satisfactory answers, and therefore decided to investigate more by myself.

I wanted to end the situation where I walk around with a tissue paper everywhere, suffering from allergies and sneezing non-stop. I started to deepen my knowledge of the subject through books, articles, talking with professionals, and trying many options to finally get rid of the allergy.

Today there are two most effective options for fighting dust mites:

Getting vaccinated against the mite - Immunotherapy (a process of 4-5 years in which you receive a weekly vaccine containing dust mite extract, thus causing the immune system to get used to the mite). High success rates but doesn't work for everyone. Avoiding contact with the mite - Significantly reduces symptoms. I founded Mint to help the population suffering from household dust mite allergies, understanding that today there is no alternative against the allergy. I promise to do everything to help you improve your quality of life. So join Mint, and no dust mite will stop us from breathing better and healthier.